between July -December 2023
89 young people aged 15 - 18 years reached
195 unique visitors of all ages
37 new members
1458 individual visits

97% of our funds were spent on our core costs and directly on our young people, the remaining 3% was spent on volunteer development, training and appreciation

32 volunteers
donated over 1510 hours
139 sessions
607 hours of provision

25 young people with Special Educational Needs participated in our sessions
We delivered 9 money workshops to help support young people managing money and finance through cost of living crisis
We hosted 19 cooking sessions to support young people with developing greater confidence in preparing healthy meals and stronger independence
Our projects in 2023...

January 1st - March 31st 2023
Welcoming Places for Young People - Do it For East Yorkshire
Project objectives:
1) To provide somewhere young people within the Pocklington area, aged 11- 18 years can go that is safe and warm. YPC is already a well-established place for young people to come together, make friends and strengthen existing relationships. It has been created with young people's needs in mind through their input and feedback.
2) To alleviate the effects of the current cost of living crisis by providing young people with skills that can help them budget their own money and prepare for the future by providing weekly sessions that promote independent skills and fun workshops that help young people to understand money management.
3) To equip young people with the experience and knowledge to make nutritious meals on a budget (or from what they have in their cupboard) and how they can get the most out of their shop through planning, batch cooking and ingredient hacks.
4) To offer free juice, fresh water, fruit and toast as well as food made in the cooking club to ensure no child goes hungry.
5) To facilitate sessions led by skilled youth workers and volunteers to ensure the project is delivered with the input and involvement of young people to guarantee our success in impacting the community whilst providing value for money.
So what did we achieve?
January 1st - March 31st 2023
YPC Young People Healthier Lifestyles -
Holidays and Activity Fund
The aim of this fund is to provide free sessions over the Easter holidays to those in receipt of free school meals and attend an East Riding School. These sessions include providing healthy food and enriching activities.
Positive Activities Grant
As YPC values inclusivity, we applied to Positive Activities Grant to match fund this project for those who aren't eligible to access provision through HAF. This funding allowed us to open these opportunities up to all young people who attend YPC.
Project objectives:
1) Encourage young people to be active - hosting regular sports activities, and incorporating physical activities into activities they enjoy.
2) Take part in engaging & enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and well-being along with their wider educational attainment.
3) Encourage children and young people to eat healthily by creating a space for active discussions about food, looking at healthier alternatives, and having hands-on experience in creating their own nutritious dishes in our kitchen.
4) Be more engaged with school and other local services by creating links with other organisations and hosting events that give other organisations opportunities to connect with young people and provide mental health sessions and free counselling to help support mental resilience and wellbeing.

So what did we achieve?
July 2023 - September 2023
Volunteer Appreciation Through Arts -
Pocklington Arts Society
Project objectives:
The project aims to enable youth expression through developing greater confidence and experiences within the arts. Something the young people are grateful for is the support they receive from our amazing volunteers. Throughout the summer we held art and drama workshops, the young people used this experience to create costumes, manage a small budget, develop a script, storyboard and film. After months of work and keeping the project top secret, the final film was unveiled at the volunteer awards.

July 2023 - December 2023
Youth Empowerment for Success - Do it For East Yorkshire
Project objectives:
The project aims to empower young people aged 15-18 by equipping them with essential life skills, knowledge, and resources to navigate the transition into adulthood successfully. We will look at topics relevant to this age group including money matters, career and employability skills, independent life skills, environment and sustainability, road safety, as well as sessions that have fun activities and foster meaningful connections and friendships.

So what did we achieve?

We successfully engaged 81 young people aged 15-18, delivering 128 hours of diverse activities across 46 sessions. Our sessions, spanning art, sports, culture, money management, and employability skills, resonated well. Notably, the Dungeons and Dragons sessions have thrived beyond the project's end, with participants now leading their own sessions weekly, and fostering mentorship and inclusivity for younger players in separate sessions on Tuesdays.

upcoming projects...
October 2023 - December 2023
Young Mind in Mind- Tesco Community Grants
Project Objectives:
Young Minds in Mind will be a new project focused on bridging gaps in mental health services and providing early intervention for young people in the rural location of Pocklington, building on the opening hours and provisions already in place at YPC, a safe place for local young people. This project will provide access to a qualified counsellor, and provide enriching activities that promote mental wellbeing. We will also offer 3 workshops to parents to help them to understand and support their children, and encourage self-care practices that also keep them (the parents) healthy.
November 2023 - October 2024
Youthsafe Initiative - PCC Community Safety
Project Objectives:
Reducing Anti-Social Behavior: We aim to reduce and prevent anti-social behavior and potential involvement in crime.
Enhancing Safety: We work to create safer communities and decrease bullying incidents.
Improving Mental Health: We prioritize the mental well-being of young people.
Engaging 'Hard to Reach' Youth: We connect with challenging-to-reach youth and address their needs promptly.
Empowering and Engaging Youth: We encourage volunteering, empowerment, and community engagement.
Delivery Approach:
We achieve these outcomes by:
Targeting specific youth groups involved in anti-social behavior or at-risk of crime.
Collaborating with Police, schools, and organizations to identify and support at-risk youth.
Establishing relationships in their preferred locations.
Bringing sessions to where they gather, actively seeking engagement opportunities.
Organizing youth-led activities, fostering positive relationships.
Providing counseling and tailored support.
Our YouthSafe Initiative aims to create safer, more engaged communities for young people.